Thursday, June 2, 2011


So I used outdoor challenge for 2 hours today. I got 9928 ap. I think I may have burned about 500 cals but I'm not sure...but 1 calorie for every 20 ap makes it sound about right because with the running ones each ap was a step and 20 steps is about 1 cal... Maybe I'll wear a pedometer for a rough estimate?

now I don't want to weigh myself monday since I don't feel like I did good this week and I don't want to get discouraged.
So for the next 2 weeks starting monday I'm going to try this (below), then weigh/measure and pics at the end.

2 ltrs water
1200-1500 cals. plan meals the night before (if possible).
do something every hour. I'm on my computer a lot since I haven't been able to find a job so every hour or so I'm thinking of jogging in place for 30 seconds and jumping jacks for 30 seconds 5 times (I heard doing stuff like that can burst your metabolism?Not sure on that since I can't find anything but it burns a few extra calories at the very least)

M - 60-120 mins wii
30 min walk

T - 60 mins wii
30 min walk/run

W - 30-60 mins walking

T - 60 mins wii
30 mins walk/run

F - 60-120 mins wii
30 mins walking

S - 30-60 mins walking

S - 60 mins wii
30 mins walk/run

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