Thursday, May 26, 2011

rip Buddy...and Failed at TMC

Buddy had to be put down today. There was no positive change and he actually got worse. The only thing that bothers me is that his eye's wouldn't stay closed and they vet insisted on giving a play by play about what he was doing and when they heart will stop and all that. I wanted to hit him because he was just going on and on about it.

And unfortunately that meant emotional eating so my mom and I went for coffee (I ended up getting a french vanilla and a cheddar belt w/ sausage).

But it was annoying anyway. My poops been exactly like mustard since I started this thing. So starting tomorrow I'm only going to have fruits and veggies. Maybe every once in a while crackers, bread, egg or tuna. Maybe cottage cheese but I don't tend to get that very often anyway...

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