Monday, May 23, 2011

Master Cleanse Day 1 (attempt 2)

I made it through today :)
I couldn't hold down the salt water again even though I only used 2tsp (wth?) but I drank plenty of water (almost 3ltrs), drank 6 of that lemonade mixture, and used the wii for 1/2 an hour (burned a little over 100 cals).

And tomorrow I'm planning on trying to wake up early (even though it's already after midnight), going on the wii for hopefully an hour if not longer (my aim is for 500 cals) and I'm going to be meeting a friend (if you can call him that...we haven't actually hung out since I finished school last year) at a park by the school and there's swings so I'm going to try and get there early (maybe around 315-330 to avoid the teenagers just getting out of school) and swinging :)

Hopefully I don't have to deal with him eating though...but his step dad put him on a special diet so I probably won't have to unless we go to his place and he leaves pretty far from the school so I doubt we will.

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